Hey. My name is Zach.

Music, film & games have always played a big part in my life. From a young age, I was always thrilled to go see movies on the big screen. Starting as a music producer, I quickly taught myself how to design complex sounds which then evolved into a fascination in audio post production.

When I eventually learned that I could craft the same soundscapes that captured my love for movies, I immediately did whatever I could to make my dream come alive. After graduating from university and mentoring under award-winning audio engineers, I began independently freelancing; serving indie filmmakers & creators ever since. Today I have worked with some of the most prolific brands in the world, my films have screened at major theaters, film festivals and aired on television networks around the country.

  • Service & Collaboration

    My role in the creative process is to assist my clients in achieving what they want to achieve. Through clear communication, my hope with every project is to create a healthy balance of collaboration and creative freedom.

  • Eliminating Distractions

    Being a strong audio editor is about removing anything that takes the audience away from the story. Clicks? Pops? Cricket noises? We don’t want to hear any of that.

  • Elevating Your Vision

    I will use all the creative and technique that I have to take each and every story to the highest level. I’m not here to tell my story, I’m here to elevate yours.

“Zach is a true pro – talented, communicative and easy to work with. What more could you want?

— Zack Grant, Director/Executive Producer of 2020land

“We had a short deadline, a ton of content and a long way to go in order to get our audio polished to a point where it would be an exceptional product for Microsoft. Zach was able to come in and help us out quickly and professionally. He’s a true expert at what he does and is most certainly on our crew’s short list.”

— Matt Fagerness, Partner / Creative Director, Column

“My film needed an immersive sound mix to bring the audience into the world of the documentary. Zach did an incredible job with all the tricky details and unique requirements, he’s a pleasure to work with.”

— Tim Wu, Filmmaker, Up Periscope!